Spider Vein
LaserCosMedix in Bergen County can now successfully treat a wide range of unsightly vascular lesions, from fine facial veins, spider veins, and birthmarks to the larger varicose leg veins.
How It Works
With a beam of light, the laser can deliver a prescribed dose of energy to the spider veins. The laser coagulates or clots the problem veins while sparing surrounding areas. After treatment, the vessel slowly and naturally disappears. Results are seen within three to four weeks. Typically, 1 to 2 treatments are recommended.
No Downtime
There are no painful injections, incisions or support hose to wear. There is no downtime. You can resume all your normal activities immediately after treatment. We give you a free consultation and a treatment estimate.
Frequently Asked Questions for Laser Vein Removal
Will laser therapy work on my leg veins?
Although there is no way to tell for sure which veins will respond, a consultation with the doctor to evaluate and assess your veins will be required. Prior surgery or treatment on your veins could affect the treatment outcome. In some cases, further testing may be recommended to determine if there are underlying venous problems.
What does Laser Vein Removal feel like?
Although many patients report little or no discomfort, some may experience a mild stinging sensation when the laser pulse is delivered.
How long does a Laser Vein Removal treatment take?
Treatment time should be 15 to 30 minutes but may vary depending on the number and size of the vessel (s) to be treated.
How many Laser Vein Removal treatments will I need?
In many cases, significant improvement is realized in as few as 1 to 3 treatments. In some cases new spider veins may appear; therefore, additional treatments may be necessary. Treatments are at 8-week intervals.
When can I resume normal activities?
Although we encourage you to resume normal activities almost immediately, we do ask that you refrain from vigorous exercise and avoid hot tubs for at least 24 hours post-treatment. Also, avoid direct sun exposure after treatment and if you do go in the sun, protect the treated area with a minimum SPF 30 Sun Block (not sunscreen).
What will the laser do to the veins?
When treating vascular lesions, the blood temperature at the targeted area is elevated to a level that causes coagulation or clotting without damage to the epidermis or surrounding tissue. Because the laser energy is absorbed by the melanin in the epidermis as well as the desired target of hemoglobin, the SmartCool System is used to cool and protect the epidermis. Multiple treatments may be necessary to obtain a satisfactory response for some leg veins.